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Michael Larson

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Manager | Cyber Risk Advisory Services Deloitte and Touche LLP Michael became involved in advocacy for people with disability when his son was diagnosed with Autism. He works for Deloitte…

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Koya Tyson

Inclusive & Accessible IT Director Accenture Koya Tyson is the Director of Inclusive and Accessible IT at Accenture, leading initiatives to create a lasting culture of digital inclusion. Guided by…

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Kevin Grogg

Assistive Technologies Product Owner Ernst & Young Mr. Grogg is a Product Owner for Assistive Technologies (AT) for Ernst & Young (EY) and has occupied the position for 8 1/2…

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Charlene N. McNeil

Senior Vice President, Director of Purpose, Diversity & Inclusion – Wholesale Division Truist Bank As an advocate for the disabled, I joined DI:GA to help create more disability-inclusive workforces.

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Rhayanna McNish

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Specialist Comcast With a strong passion for creating seats at the table for all people, I joined DI:GA to learn about more ways to be…

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Adoraeu Jouett

Diversity & Inclusion Manager Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Ms. Jouett joined MARTA in 2019, where she manages the development and administration of Diversity and Inclusion initiatives in Equal Employment…

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Jessica Macon

Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Senior Manager UPS I joined DI:GA to contribute to creating a more accessible and inclusive environment where everyone’s unique abilities are valued and accommodated, fostering…

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Conrado Marion-Landais, Ph.D.

DE&I Consultant Southern Company I’m committed to removing unnecessary barriers that make it harder for people to show up authentically at work, contribute their best, and be valued for their…

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Todd Hermon, CFRE

VP, Development and Community Relations Bobby Dodd Institute I joined DIGA because building accessible and inclusive workplaces is going to take all of us. As a child of two special…

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Sarah Gabriel

Co-Founder In Good Company I am co-founder of In Good Company, a social enterprise dedicated to fostering integrated employment practices. Through innovative solutions and strategic partnerships, In Good Company empowers…

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